an X-ray of a human mouth, showing a detailed view of teeth, jawbone, and sinus structures. The image is black and white, with the teeth appearing prominently against the darker background. The logo "DESERT RIDGE DENTAL" is positioned in the lower right corner.

The Importance of Dental X-Rays

Dental X-rays can detect oral health problems that the naked eye cannot see.

Aside from our immediate dental repairs, one of the main reasons we go to the dentist is to catch any dental problems we may have before they become serious and to prevent those dental problems from happening. While a physical examination may tell us a little bit about your oral health, it doesn’t necessarily tell us everything, which is why we must take and analyze dental x-rays.

Dental x-rays allow us to see between and even inside of your teeth. With an x-ray, we can observe the tips of your roots and the bone beneath the gums. X-rays are meant to detect any dental problems such as cavities, gum diseases, oral infections, and various types of tumors; even in their early stages. Catching these dental problems early on can keep them from developing further by telling your dentist what treatment is necessary for you.

The most common x-rays used in a dental office include:

  • Bitewing– Meant to view the upper and lower molars, as well as the bicuspids.
  • Periapical– Shows only one or two teeth at a time from the crown to the root.
  • Panoramic– Shows both the upper and lower jaws of your mouth in one single x-ray.

You may be worried about radiation exposure, but thanks to modern day technology, radiation levels have been reduced immensely. Dental offices have also been asked by the American Dental Association to make sure that radiation exposure is as low as possible. We take safety precautions by having our patients wear protective aprons and collars when getting x-rays to ensure that you are protected. In addition, our x-rays do not take much time at all since we use digital X-rays or the fastest available film speeds.

Depending on your oral history, dental x-rays are usually taken every six months or every year. Children and teenagers, however, may need to have them taken more frequently.

If you can’t remember the last time you’ve had dental x-rays or have never had them done before, it may be time. REQUEST A CONSULTATION with Desert Ridge Dental today.