a television interview set where Jacob Rogers, DDS, is discussing sedation dentistry. Dr. Rogers is seated on the left side of a round table, wearing a suit and tie, and talking to the host, who is seated on the right, also dressed in a suit and tie. Behind them, a monitor displays the logo for "Wellness Hour." The bottom of the image has text that reads, "Jacob Rogers, DDS, Discussing: Sedation Dentistry, 505-890-3000 / www.DESERTRIDGEDENTAL.com."

Discussing: Sedation Dentistry

Randy Alvarez: “So, you’re big on sedation?” Dr: Rogers: “Oh, huge! My favorite thing to do! So a lot of patients, Randy, are struggling with coming to the dentist because of fear and anxiety. And, because they’re concerned about the amount of time they’re gonna have to spend with me. So, if someone’s got a lot of fear and anxiety …